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Showing posts from 2009

Vision 2010

Jessica and I spent some time together today to pray about and talk about Vision 2010. In this vision, we shared our goals for this new year, and how we will go about accomplishing them. For example, I set a goal to devote more and more time to God, and I will accomplish this by spending time with God at breakfast and before bed. Another goal I have is to have a regular exercise regimen that I would stick to. I will accomplish this by doing cardio or strength training 3 times a week; not too much, not too little. I encourage you to set goals for this year. Goals that will grow you as a servant of God and a husband or wife or son or daughter. You can limit the list of goals, as I have done, to ten. Then ask God for strength and perseverence to accomplish those goals. May God bless you, Krzysztof Miszczak

'Those who cling to worthless idols...'

'Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs.' Jonah 2:8 Idols are mp3 players, people, games, tv, phones, books, sports, and anything else that is put before God. Whether you need to relax or just want to spend your 'free time', and you go to these things first, you might be idolizing these things.

Spending time with God

Spending time with God Take walks with God - see how God reveals Himself. Tea time with God - time with God in the middle of the day, in conversation, or quiet. Just like having a conversation with a friend. Look around you, slow down, and see all God's blessings. May God bless you, Krzysztof Miszczak

Time flees...

...and it flees fast. The time between my posts here is too long. I should be doing this every week, and I get too busy. I'm sorry. Exciting news: Jessica, my wife, will soon give birth to our child. It's amazing to see how life "becomes". This testifies so clearly of God's wonder and mystery. I am in awe of Him and I marvel at His ways.


Much happened since the last 3 months, and I should have kept up with posting updates, but I was lazy. I'm sorry. I'm going to mention one marvelous testimony for now. On October 13, I went to see a doctor for the results of a test a week prior. Since a few months before then, I felt shortness of breath and chest discomfort, and that's why I went to the doc in the first place. So, on the 13th, doc said I had class 1 heart failure, outputting 35% of blood. I was put on meds, and began praying for healing. I prayed with my wife, I prayed with the prayer team at church, and believed I would be healed, though often the devil lied to me with doubt that it would not happen. This past Friday, Nov 6th, however, I went in for an angiograph, to see if the coronary arteries were part of the issue. After the test, the doctor stated that the heart was beating just fine, without problems! God's timing is perfect!
I was at a dear friends funeral today. A 24 year young David died last Thursday. As I remember him, I know that God has taught thousands of people through David. Some lessons I learned from him are: He had some physical limitations / "disabilities", but he did not pay attention to them, nor did he let them stop him from what he wanted to do. He took part in a vast number of activities, like Spartan Christian Fellowship, Crave Youth Group, Asian Club, among others. He worshiped the Lord with his whole heart, without caring about how he sounded or looked. He smiled, and his eyes opened wide, when he saw those whom he knew; and he hugged them strong. I could see that he loved them. I want to take these lessons to heart. On a similar note, when we came back from the funeral, I realized that our dog Nuka was always happy and joyous when she saw us after a few hours of being away from home, or in the mornings. I want to be like this with those I love.

Fully seeking God

I was reading Romans 3:10 - 18 and was thinking that I can relate to many of those things, written about Jews or Gentiles under the power of sin. Particularly, I was thinking that I don't really seek God, fully and wholeheartedly. Then I thought what would it look like if I did? I think that if I fully sought after God, I would reflect the life of Jesus. He prayed early in the mornings. He sowed and reaped awesome fruit of His labor. He stood up against the unrighteous. He spoke and stood for the Truth. He obeyed the Father's will. I still don't see myself doing much of this. Do you see yourself reflecting the life of Jesus yet?

Second Skin

I just watched a documentary film titled "Second Skin". It was about addicted video gamers, playing for 11 hours or more a day. Some of these gamers met another in a game, of the opposite sex most definately, and formed a relationship in real life. Some played so much that they became depressed and wanted to take their life. Some played because of a disability in real life, and the virtual worlds gave them more freedom. Some played and ruined their relationships, jobs, family life. A point was said toward the end of the film. If people are turning to these virtual worlds by the millions, what does that say about the real world? I think this is a sad fact.

Fiercely jealous lover

You're cheating on God. If all you want is your own way, flirting with the world every chance you get, you end up enemies of God and His way. And do you suppose God doesn't care? The proverb has it that "He's a fiercely jealous lover. " Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. This is not an equal ratio, that is you take one step, God will not take one step. When you take one step, He will run toward you!


Today I was led by the Spirit to take specific turns on Elgin roads and talk to specific people. When I talked to them, I offered them bread and bananas donated to the church from trader joes. It was awesome, as the people were open to receive these blessings from God, and I had a wonderful time experiencing taking part in God's work. Amazing! I have also been thinking since I have been involved in this ministry, that I could have been doing this years ago, and evangelizing to people. What was the cause of me not coming to this point earlier?


Today David my brother in law who is visiting us for the summer, found a ticket on the train to Chicago. Soon after we arrived and left the train, a man came up asking for help in buying a ticket for the train. David had one! Praise God that this you g man now had this ticket, as God provides opportnities like this to impact the world in a positive way. Mom Reyes, my mom in law, told me a story about a homeless veteran who died outside in the winter months in Alexandria. She said that he was offered help and was off the streets for six months, but after that time he was back homeless. Mom said that the man, Jimmy, may have had trouble with his mind. He may have had trouble keeping a job in his state of mind. That's tragic.


Blog This week included a lot of opportunities to meet with brothers and sisters and fellowship, study, and pray together. It was awesome for me to experience all of this, because I can now share these experiences with you. I have been posting the stuff I learned from these experiences throughout the week. Additionaly, I am reading a book titled evangelism explosion, and I reccommend it to you. What I read in the book today is that all of us believers are to go out and evangelize all people, and we are trained to do that by the pastor. Awesome! May God bless you, Krzysztof Miszczak

Lesson from men's breakfast today

If we can't come together and talk, and we're brothers, then it is not right. Job 8:7 We ought to be examples to the children. Like Peter we have to step out of the boat. A lot of men have business opportunities but are afraid to step out of the boat. A son is an image of a father, but he is not the father. Have to allow him to walk his own path, which the Father has set for him. Mat 6:6 Step out. Faith to faith. Glory to glory. We get our affirmation from God. You have a relationship with the Father. You know what your Father is doing. A nurturer, protector, teacher, as well as chastiser. If you start feeling to pray for more time with family, God put that desire in your heart that you may pray for this, and then when you speak it, it will come to pass. Speak over your family, your life, your community. Involve and inclue the Father in your life: you house, family, job, hobbies. Jesus' yoke is easy, and His burden is light. If you are angry and worn down, and feel...


Evidence Choosing shit over and over again and expecting it to taste better = "insanity" A thought pattern of a reality that isn't real = "insanity" What if there more to life outside of money, and getting up in the morning for things oher than food, bathroom, facebook, or just getting up beacsue I'm no longer sleeping, and pursuing things that are REAL. True REALITY is Jesus Christ. When you read a book, the characters only exist in your mind. God set things in a a certain order, like sun, birds, land, etc. God made man. Would you not be insane pursuing things other than God? Since God is the ultimate reality, we ought to pursue reality. So the stuff we are usually pursuing each day, like facebook, tv shows, fiction books; is not true reality. Are we insane, or what? We have to accept treatment for this insanity. Do you know the treatment? JESUS CHRIST The truth will set you free! May God bless you, Krzysztof Miszczak

Evidence tonight

Evidence Today at Evidence, a youth group, we talked about the movie "Stranger Than Fiction", and about how the main character started to really live his life after he found out, or realized, that he was going to die. It was also mentioned that it is very likely that if we were on Antarctica, havent't eaten for 40 days, and a man comes along and shows and offers us a plate of hot shit or a delicious brownie that we cannot see, but one that he has, that we would opt to take the shit. He thinks this because of what he sees in our conversations on Facebook, our pictures we share, or the music we listen to. We choose shit in our every day, even though a delicoius brownie is offered to us. The great things are, that the brownie, representing Jesus Christ, is still offered to us after we dive into the shit, and He can and is willing to clean us from that filth. What will you choose today? Reference: Phillipians 3:8 8 More than that, I now regard all things as liabili...
This past week started with my week long un-motivation to talk. Im quiet in my personality, but I was more quiet than usual. This may sometimes result in tension with people who want to communicate with me. Even though it's hard, I have to push myself to talk, but sometimes I won't. Tension arises. So praise be to God for His patience with me, and that my wife has not quit on me yet; I can be a big pain in the neck. May God bless you, Krzysztof Miszczak

Pain on the neck

This past week started with my week long un-motivation to talk. Im quiet in my personality, but I was more quiet than usual. This may sometimes result in tension with people who want to communicate with me. Even though it's hard, I have to push myself to talk, but sometimes I won't. Tension arises. So praise be to God for His patience with me, and that my wife has not quit on me yet; I can be a big pain in the neck.

I'm madly forgetful

I forget often the blessings of God and the lessons he taught me. I forget to be still. I forget to share my experiences, like on this blog. I have been here before, and I am here again. I'm mad at myself for repeating these same mistakes over again. But, I will get up, and continue... Krzysztof

Redefined notes

Hi These are notes from yesterday's Redefined, a youth group I go to with my wife, at Church in the Word. Prayer. Prayer is talking to God. Jesus got up very early in the morning to pray. If it's for so many hours, likely of involves not just talking, but also listening. Hear from God, be in His presence, spending time with God. One of he first things that happened after Jeaus died on thecross was that the veil was torn. Exo 26:33 Lev 16:2 1 Peter 2:9 BrcUsr of what Jesus did, we can now be in God's presence without a veil, available to you all the time. James 5:16 The effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. Because of prayer, a majority of the US people believe that abortion is wrong. 52 percent. How do I pray? 1 Timothy 2:8 without wrath and doubting. 1 John 5:14 James 4:13 with right motivations. Mat 18:19 two of more. Mat 15, Luke 11: persistently. John 15:7 John 16:23 Authority - in Jesus Name Mat 16:17-18 Mat 18:18 Sent from my iP...

Be open...

I have lately seen “Yes Man” with Jim Carrey. The films trailers were unattractive, making the film look cheesy, and unoriginal. My opinion changed after actually seeing it, and now think it carries an interesting message; being “open” to opportunities coming your way. I can use this, and get out of the ritual day to day worldly stuff, which is becoming more boring lately. I may write more on this later…      

Solutions to "problems" of this world

I was working this morning on a problem when I was about to give up on it. I felt in my heart that I should persevere, and not put this aside. It was hard, because I did not see a solution, and I was getting stressed out.   I then tried to find a solution by attempting to use another approach, and while I did this, I saw something in the problem that I did not notice before, and through this found a solution!   Praise God Almighty! He reminded me that when I listen to His guidance, “problems” of this world are solved!      

This Is Beautiful!

This is beautiful! She jumped up as soon as she saw the surgeon come out of the operating room .. She said: 'How is my little boy? Is he going to be all right? When can I see him?' The surgeon said, 'I'm sorry. We did all we could, but your boy didn't make it.' Sally said, 'Why do little children get cancer? Doesn't God care any more? Where were you, God, when my son needed you?' The surgeon asked, 'Would you like some time alone with your son? One of the nurses will be out in a few minutes, before he's transported to the university.' Sally asked the nurse to stay with her while she said goodbye to her son. She ran her fingers lovingly through his thick red curly hair . 'Would you like a lock of his hair?' the nurse asked. Sally nodded yes. The nurse cut a lock of the boy's hair, put it in a plastic bag and handed it to Sally. The mother said, 'It was Jimmy's idea to donate his body to the Univ...
I was talking to Jacob at church, a young man I met just today, and he said that he used to go to Church in the Word for 4 years, 3 years ago. So for the past 3 years, the Lord sent him to International House Of Prayer (IHOP) in Kansas City. Talking to Jacob and hearing about the awesome work that the Lord is doing brought swelling joy to my heart. Praise the Lord!!! There are many people, from many different nations and of different origin coming to IHOP. From Middle East to Europe, from Asia to North America, many come to worship our God, and it is awesomely exciting! I really want to visit that place one day.

Small, yet big revelations

The usual task I do when I complete a task at work is to notify the people who would be affected by the change, even though they may be sitting in an adjacent cubicle. So this morning, as I was typing an email for a completed task, I felt the Holy Spirit telling me not to write the email. I didn’t understand why…it’s the usual thing I did. I was hesitant to obey, and then I listened to the nudge of the Spirit, even though I still didn’t know why. I closed the email…the save dialog showed up…I quickly used the keyboard shortcut to say “No”. Ahhh. Relief. Ok…now…wow! I then received a revelation…just talk to the people! Tell them the task is done…don’t write to them about it. Haha! That’s so simple, yet it was so difficult for me to see!   I then thought that situations like this are opportunities to strike up more conversation!   Praise God for His patience in continually working on u...