Job 8:7
We ought to be examples to the children.
Like Peter we have to step out of the boat.
A lot of men have business opportunities but are afraid to step out of
the boat.
A son is an image of a father, but he is not the father. Have to allow
him to walk his own path, which the Father has set for him.
Mat 6:6
Step out. Faith to faith. Glory to glory.
We get our affirmation from God.
You have a relationship with the Father. You know what your Father is
doing. A nurturer, protector, teacher, as well as chastiser.
If you start feeling to pray for more time with family, God put that
desire in your heart that you may pray for this, and then when you
speak it, it will come to pass. Speak over your family, your life,
your community.
Involve and inclue the Father in your life: you house, family, job,
Jesus' yoke is easy, and His burden is light. If you are angry and
worn down, and feel like hurting somebody, that's not Jesus' yoke.
You're carrying the worlds burden.
May God bless you,
Krzysztof Miszczak