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Frustrated by freedom

Numbers 11:1-16
The people were freed after centuries of slavery, and not soon after freedom they whined and wanted to go back.

John 5:24
Pointing back to exodus 14, when Israelites walked through the Red Sea. There was a status change; one moment slaves, and the next free. However just because there was a status change, doesn't mean there was a life and heart change.

This life in Egypt and then freedom is a foreshadowing of things to come.
Pharaoh illustrates the devil, Egypt the bondage of sin, Moses the deliverer, Passover the sacrifice of Jesus.

"I know I'm out of Egypt, but how do I get Egypt out of me?"

You can't go into the Promised Land until you learn to trust and depend on God.

Just like the Lord took the disciples into the storm on the Sea of Galilee; so they can learn to trust Him. Until we do so, we will be walking around in circles; staying stuck in sin, destructive cycles, etc.

We crave the familiar, the comfortable, and we have a hard time stepping out of our comfortable zones, even if it includes our own old bondage and sinful habits.

Your daily decisions effect your life just as much as your big moments. The work of transformation occurs in those "little" daily moments. How do you spend your free time? What is the first thing you do in the morning? Open the news and Facebook? How do you react to your family making mistakes?

Again, it's the daily small decisions that you make that determine your future and destiny.

Galatians 5:1-3


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