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Are you teachable?

Are you teachable? Prov 12:1 Prov 9:11-12 "Character of unteachable people" -Chronic failure John 16:3 -Argumentative and defensive nature Prov 9:8, 25:24, 27:15 (spirit of negativity, defensiveness, unforgiving, stonewalling) -Isolation and withdrawal in times of difficulty Prov 18:1 -Blame transfer. You can't blame your response on someone else. "My response is my responsibility" -Surrounding yourself w people who agree with you. "Root causes of unteachable spirit" -Pride Prov 16:18. -Rebellion and independence -Insecurity -Foolishness Prov 22:15 -Laziness Prov 26:16 "Character of teachable spirit" -Humility -Graciously accepting correction Prov 9:8 -Seek counsel in times of decision -Get advice from someone successful -Submitting to authority and staying accountable

Fear and worry

85 % of the things people worry about, never happen. Most others find out they could handle it better than they thought. F.   FALSE E.  EVIDENCE A.  APPEARING R.  REAL It's God's presence, not comfortable circumstances, that bring peace! "Worrying doesn't empty tomorrow of it's sorrow, it empties today is it's strength." -Corrie Ten Boom

Accept their help

Why does God want us to work with Him in His work?  Well, why would a father or mother allow their young child to help with a project that would likely take longer with their help? It's for the relationship and the learning experience.  Like wise, God wants to have a relationship with us and for us to learn! -- -Krzysztof

Creating a Legacy part 2

Resume vs Eulogy  In life we focus our energies on our resume, and not our eulogy At your funeral, nothing will be said from your resume, but about who you were.  You can fake and exaggerate on your resume, but you can't on your eulogy 1) fight for things that matter 2) Live for convictions you're willing to die for  3) Sacrifice good things so you can obtain the best things  The things that you do for yourself will be gone when you're gone. The things you do for others will create legacy  -- -Krzysztof


"Not for the faint of heart" 1) be present 2) be patient- Eph 6:4 3) be perceptive- 1 Cor 12:12-26 You may be an eye, but be raising a foot or an ear or a knee 4) be principled - Prov 20:7, 14:26 Be stable, not giving into emotions 5) be dependent on the power of The Holy Spirit

Live life in light of eternity

Psalm 90:12 James 4:14 Ephesians 5:15-16 Live life in light of eternity. A survey of 90 year olds on what they would have done differently earlier in life: 1) I would reflect more 2) I would risk more 3) I would do more things that would live on after I’m dead Jim Elliot “When it’s your time to die, make sure that all that’s left for you to do is to die”

Passover and Pentecost

Passover and Pentecost Readings: Acts 1:3-5 Mat 5:17 The three major feasts 1) The Passover     Lamb sacrificed at 9am     Lamb put in oven at 3pm     Sacrifice covers sins Correlates to Jesus crucified at 9am, buried at 3pm. However, Jesus REMOVES our sins. 1 Cor 5:7 Jesus didn’t cover our sins, Jesus removed our sins. These sins that are removed cannot come back to haunt you. 2) Pentecost      Pentecost means 50. In Exodus, Cloud descended with loud noise and God wrote His law on tablets, later 3000 people died from worshiping golden calf.      When The Holy Spirit came upon believers with a loud noise, The Holy Spirit became our teacher that day & 3000 people were added unto the body.


When God tells us to go, we want all the power we would need right upfront before we go. God says GO, and He will give the power as we go. -Krzysztof

Do you believe?

The proof of whether you believe something is when you put it into action and do it. What should identify Christians to the world is not our doctrine, even though that is very important, but our actions. Ask yourself: does your fruit look and taste any different than the fruit of the world? Gal 5:19-22 What are you exhibiting at home, at work, at the drive through? If we exhibit worldly fruit, we won't enjoy the benefits of the fruits of the Spirit. It's like a teen who runs away; they are no longer enjoying the safety of the home, the home cooked meals, the comfort, even though they are still part of the family.