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Showing posts from January, 2016

Vision Sunday

Vision Sunday *** FOLLOW *** Eph 5:15-21 It's not enough to just get through. It's not Gods plan to just save you from destruction and that you just get by in life. In 2014, the vision God gave to CITW "Empowering disciples who authentically represent Jesus" Followers of Jesus + Gods Word + Gods Spirit = Empowered disciples Acts 1:8 The Holy Spirit brings freshness and vibrancy to your life. Without it, you will be trying to do it by yourself and you will feel a weight on your shoulders. Why is God empowering us? Yes, there's a benefit for us, but the main reason is to accomplish the great commission. Mark 2:17 Eph 5:15-16 The time talked about here has two meanings in Greek. "Chronos" - a specific moment in time. I.e. We will go eat lunch at 12:30 today. "Kairos" - a passing instant when an opening appears which must be driven through with force if success is to be achieved. Don't be stagnant. Don...

Frustrated by freedom

Numbers 11:1-16 The people were freed after centuries of slavery, and not soon after freedom they whined and wanted to go back. John 5:24 Pointing back to exodus 14, when Israelites walked through the Red Sea. There was a status change; one moment slaves, and the next free. However just because there was a status change, doesn't mean there was a life and heart change. This life in Egypt and then freedom is a foreshadowing of things to come. Pharaoh illustrates the devil, Egypt the bondage of sin, Moses the deliverer, Passover the sacrifice of Jesus. "I know I'm out of Egypt, but how do I get Egypt out of me?" You can't go into the Promised Land until you learn to trust and depend on God. Just like the Lord took the disciples into the storm on the Sea of Galilee; so they can learn to trust Him. Until we do so, we will be walking around in circles; staying stuck in sin, destructive cycles, etc. We crave the familiar, the comfortable, and w...


God made around 3500 promises, written in the Bible. These promises should be the starting point in your prayers. Even though God made these promises, we should still fast and pray for these promises to come to pass, like many of the faithful in the Bible. See Dan 9:23 Dan 10:12-13

Bible study

Bible study James 4:4 You shouldn't desire to be like the world to look cool and not be an outcast. Instead you are supposed to be different so people can tell a difference and see a difference in you. God's ambassador should not blend into the world but stand out. Then, when need comes, those around you will know to whom to turn. People look at you and they are reading you like a book...what kind of book are you. James 4:5 Why would you hide your affection to your significant other? If your wife loved you wholeheartedly to your face, yet hanging out with friends she acted like she doesn't care about you, how would you feel? The key to ending your friendship with the world is to submit yourself to God.

Prayer life

Acts 10:1-8 It's a lie that the world says a Christian life is boring. Were Peters' and Pauls' life boring? But if you don't pray, your life might be boring. "The more I pray, the more coincidences happen" -Cory Tenebaum "When I work...I work. When I pray...God works" When you pray, you will meet people you would otherwise never have met, and you will go through doors you would never have gone through, and you will fight battles you would never have fought.