Vision Sunday
*** FOLLOW ***
Eph 5:15-21
It's not enough to just get through.
It's not Gods plan to just save you from destruction and that you just get by in life.
In 2014, the vision God gave to CITW
"Empowering disciples who authentically represent Jesus"
Followers of Jesus + Gods Word + Gods Spirit = Empowered disciples
Acts 1:8
The Holy Spirit brings freshness and vibrancy to your life. Without it, you will be trying to do it by yourself and you will feel a weight on your shoulders.
Why is God empowering us? Yes, there's a benefit for us, but the main reason is to accomplish the great commission.
Mark 2:17
Eph 5:15-16
The time talked about here has two meanings in Greek.
"Chronos" - a specific moment in time. I.e. We will go eat lunch at 12:30 today.
"Kairos" - a passing instant when an opening appears which must be driven through with force if success is to be achieved.
Don't be stagnant. Don...
Experiences, reflections, and revelations.