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Showing posts from July, 2009


Today I was led by the Spirit to take specific turns on Elgin roads and talk to specific people. When I talked to them, I offered them bread and bananas donated to the church from trader joes. It was awesome, as the people were open to receive these blessings from God, and I had a wonderful time experiencing taking part in God's work. Amazing! I have also been thinking since I have been involved in this ministry, that I could have been doing this years ago, and evangelizing to people. What was the cause of me not coming to this point earlier?


Today David my brother in law who is visiting us for the summer, found a ticket on the train to Chicago. Soon after we arrived and left the train, a man came up asking for help in buying a ticket for the train. David had one! Praise God that this you g man now had this ticket, as God provides opportnities like this to impact the world in a positive way. Mom Reyes, my mom in law, told me a story about a homeless veteran who died outside in the winter months in Alexandria. She said that he was offered help and was off the streets for six months, but after that time he was back homeless. Mom said that the man, Jimmy, may have had trouble with his mind. He may have had trouble keeping a job in his state of mind. That's tragic.


Blog This week included a lot of opportunities to meet with brothers and sisters and fellowship, study, and pray together. It was awesome for me to experience all of this, because I can now share these experiences with you. I have been posting the stuff I learned from these experiences throughout the week. Additionaly, I am reading a book titled evangelism explosion, and I reccommend it to you. What I read in the book today is that all of us believers are to go out and evangelize all people, and we are trained to do that by the pastor. Awesome! May God bless you, Krzysztof Miszczak

Lesson from men's breakfast today

If we can't come together and talk, and we're brothers, then it is not right. Job 8:7 We ought to be examples to the children. Like Peter we have to step out of the boat. A lot of men have business opportunities but are afraid to step out of the boat. A son is an image of a father, but he is not the father. Have to allow him to walk his own path, which the Father has set for him. Mat 6:6 Step out. Faith to faith. Glory to glory. We get our affirmation from God. You have a relationship with the Father. You know what your Father is doing. A nurturer, protector, teacher, as well as chastiser. If you start feeling to pray for more time with family, God put that desire in your heart that you may pray for this, and then when you speak it, it will come to pass. Speak over your family, your life, your community. Involve and inclue the Father in your life: you house, family, job, hobbies. Jesus' yoke is easy, and His burden is light. If you are angry and worn down, and feel...


Evidence Choosing shit over and over again and expecting it to taste better = "insanity" A thought pattern of a reality that isn't real = "insanity" What if there more to life outside of money, and getting up in the morning for things oher than food, bathroom, facebook, or just getting up beacsue I'm no longer sleeping, and pursuing things that are REAL. True REALITY is Jesus Christ. When you read a book, the characters only exist in your mind. God set things in a a certain order, like sun, birds, land, etc. God made man. Would you not be insane pursuing things other than God? Since God is the ultimate reality, we ought to pursue reality. So the stuff we are usually pursuing each day, like facebook, tv shows, fiction books; is not true reality. Are we insane, or what? We have to accept treatment for this insanity. Do you know the treatment? JESUS CHRIST The truth will set you free! May God bless you, Krzysztof Miszczak

Evidence tonight

Evidence Today at Evidence, a youth group, we talked about the movie "Stranger Than Fiction", and about how the main character started to really live his life after he found out, or realized, that he was going to die. It was also mentioned that it is very likely that if we were on Antarctica, havent't eaten for 40 days, and a man comes along and shows and offers us a plate of hot shit or a delicious brownie that we cannot see, but one that he has, that we would opt to take the shit. He thinks this because of what he sees in our conversations on Facebook, our pictures we share, or the music we listen to. We choose shit in our every day, even though a delicoius brownie is offered to us. The great things are, that the brownie, representing Jesus Christ, is still offered to us after we dive into the shit, and He can and is willing to clean us from that filth. What will you choose today? Reference: Phillipians 3:8 8 More than that, I now regard all things as liabili...
This past week started with my week long un-motivation to talk. Im quiet in my personality, but I was more quiet than usual. This may sometimes result in tension with people who want to communicate with me. Even though it's hard, I have to push myself to talk, but sometimes I won't. Tension arises. So praise be to God for His patience with me, and that my wife has not quit on me yet; I can be a big pain in the neck. May God bless you, Krzysztof Miszczak

Pain on the neck

This past week started with my week long un-motivation to talk. Im quiet in my personality, but I was more quiet than usual. This may sometimes result in tension with people who want to communicate with me. Even though it's hard, I have to push myself to talk, but sometimes I won't. Tension arises. So praise be to God for His patience with me, and that my wife has not quit on me yet; I can be a big pain in the neck.