Galatians 6
(There is no reaping without sowing.)
Some people expect a harvest and hoping for something, when they haven't sown!
This is a spiritual principal. In order to reap, you have to sow.
If you don't sow, you are always needing a miracle. Granted, miracles are great, and they should happen, but always living needing a miracle, that isn't God's best for you.
A miracle is a suspension of a natural law. Miracles are temporary, blessings are eternal. Numbers 23:20
Manna ceased, but they ate from the fruit of the promised land that year. Joshua
Ask God, what do I have to sow in order for this that I hope for to come to pass?
Galatians 6:8
I you plant corn, you're going to get corn at harvest.
Do you want to take part in leading a person to Christ? Sow the Gospel.
(You determine what, but God determines when.)
You need to be planting well ahead before your need. There is a waiting period before the harvest.
Keep in mind that the shortest time for a seed to grow is 28 days, a lettuce, from seed to fruit. Now there is a type of exotic plant that has a waiting time of 80 to 150 years to see fruit! Some things you sow might only be seen by your children or grandchildren!
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(There is no reaping without sowing.)
Some people expect a harvest and hoping for something, when they haven't sown!
This is a spiritual principal. In order to reap, you have to sow.
If you don't sow, you are always needing a miracle. Granted, miracles are great, and they should happen, but always living needing a miracle, that isn't God's best for you.
A miracle is a suspension of a natural law. Miracles are temporary, blessings are eternal. Numbers 23:20
Manna ceased, but they ate from the fruit of the promised land that year. Joshua
Ask God, what do I have to sow in order for this that I hope for to come to pass?
Galatians 6:8
I you plant corn, you're going to get corn at harvest.
Do you want to take part in leading a person to Christ? Sow the Gospel.
(You determine what, but God determines when.)
You need to be planting well ahead before your need. There is a waiting period before the harvest.
Keep in mind that the shortest time for a seed to grow is 28 days, a lettuce, from seed to fruit. Now there is a type of exotic plant that has a waiting time of 80 to 150 years to see fruit! Some things you sow might only be seen by your children or grandchildren!
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