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You get to choose what you think

You get to choose what you think

You're as free as you are free in your mind.

First words of warfare
"Hath God really saith..."

Before satan can defeat you he has to disarm you.

Battlefield of good and evil is in the mind. No one is going to get set free until they want to get free. The place where you engage your enemy is in your thoughts. Any thought that you don't take captive will take you captive.

2 Cor 10:3-5

You decide what you think. You decide what gets to enter there AND reside there. You are the gate keeper of your mind.

James 4:7
Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

What's the litmus test for stuff entering into our mind? Truth.

Ask: is this truth according to Gods Word that is in my mind? Otherwise you will be governed by your emotions and your thoughts.

Ephesians 6:10-17
That person that is bothering you so much is not your enemy.

There are spiritual battles with physical manifestations.

Reproduce truth and eliminate error. Many people instead meditate and think about error, and when they do that they eliminate the truth. Satan wants to convince you that you are not righteous in Christ and that you are a failure. What should happen is that you should meditate and think on the TRUTH and this will eliminate error by doing so.

Sift and filter what enters your mind with the Word of God.
The filter should not be your feelings. Do not depend on your feelings to allow what makes you feel good to stay in your mind. Our life is not about making money and living a comfortable life. Your life is about living life in Truth.

Heb 4:12-13

Know who you are in Christ. Meditate on the fact that you are in Christ. Four practical way to get Word into yourself: when you wake up, when you sit around idly, when you are commuting, when you go to bed. You can meditate on the Word and think on scripture that relates to what you're going through in life right now. For example if you're feeling fear, meditate and chew on Scripture that talks about that. You can also read a scripture and ask God what He has to teach you through that scripture. You don't have to feel like you have to race through the Bible reading as fast as you can.

You can't remove a thought from your mind just like that... You have to replace it with another thought. And Gods thoughts are more powerful than any other.


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