Phil 4:1-11
Christians should be marked with joy more so than anyone else in the world.
Joy is a choice
Deutronomy 28:47
We think joy is a result and not a choice. Joy is something that you learn as Paul has learned.
Think about your prayer life. How much do spend to change the outside, than changing inside of us.
You can't control the outside but you can control the inside. You can't stop situations, people, life stuff bumping, hitting, attacking you. Changing jobs, wives, house, car will not stop the bumps from coming. But, you can control what comes out of you!
Phil 4:6-7
2 Cor 4:17-18 Paul's affliction was light and momentary. This is nothing compared to the Glory of God that awaits us in heaven.
Have an eternal perspective!
Phil 4:8
Christians should be marked with joy more so than anyone else in the world.
Joy is a choice
Deutronomy 28:47
We think joy is a result and not a choice. Joy is something that you learn as Paul has learned.
Think about your prayer life. How much do spend to change the outside, than changing inside of us.
You can't control the outside but you can control the inside. You can't stop situations, people, life stuff bumping, hitting, attacking you. Changing jobs, wives, house, car will not stop the bumps from coming. But, you can control what comes out of you!
Phil 4:6-7
2 Cor 4:17-18 Paul's affliction was light and momentary. This is nothing compared to the Glory of God that awaits us in heaven.
Have an eternal perspective!
Phil 4:8