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Showing posts from August, 2014

The Word Is _________ my meditation

The Word Is _________ my meditation Josh 1:8 Ps 1:1-3 devil hijacked meditation, music, art Meditation is not emptying the mind like is traditional in eastern cultures. In fact, meditation is giving serious thought, pondering, thinking about the Word of God. Meditation on the word of God produces results. Mark 4:20   When you buy a packet of seeds, there's a picture on the front showing what the seeds inside have the POTENTIAL of producing. If the Bible was a packet of seeds, the picture on the front would be Jesus. Therefore seeds inside the Bible have the potential to turn people into being more like Jesus. Ps 119:148 The truth will set you free. Therefore if you've been hurt by someone, or got into an argument with someone, usually people will meditate on the situation, replaying the scenario in your mind, thinking perhaps how you should have behaved our what you should have said. Doing this you are getting into bondage. Instead, be set free! Meditate on the Word of Go...

The Word is...

The Word is_______ ... a weapon ... seed Principle of the Word: Seed time and harvest The patience of people now, with tech and instant gratification, appears to be shorter. Mark 4:13-20  If the Word is not part of your life,  neither fruit will be part of your life. Why am I angry? Why am I sick? Why is there no harvest in my life? Have I planted seed in my life? There is NO shortcut with seed and harvest! You can't grow vegetables overnight! You have to plant the good seed, water it, wait, water it, wait more, until the harvest time comes. When you are planting the Word into your life, the harvest may come next week, next month, next year or decade, or even it may come for your children! You have to dive into the Word, and be planting and watering the seed EVERY DAY! You can't be living by refreshing only every Sunday at church, getting prayed for. You also have to feed every day you wake, every day! If you don't eat physical food, you'll feel hungry and likely not be...

Sleeping contest

A few nights ago, we offered up a contest to Aliza (4.5 years) and Bella (1.5 years), that whoever fell asleep first would get a prize the next day. Both were excited! Especially Aliza, who when in bed, we said we would test if she really was asleep by saying a joke. The first time, though she looked like she was sleeping, the test showed she wasn't, as she started laughing. The second time, my wife asked "Why did the chicken cross the road?". Again, though she looked asleep, she peeked up and said "Huh?" As if, what are you asking? Aliza won, though we didn't test if Bella was sleeping. She got a small notebook and chocolate peanuts, in a gift bag. She was so excited the next day, waiting and talking about the prize all day until I came home from work with it. She is such a blessing, we thank God for her, and also for her sister. Peace