Evangelism small group
-Prayer walk around your neighbourhood, store, school
-Prayer list
-Be approachable...welcoming...dress to represent. Your life is a billboard, you always project something.
-Realize that people everywhere, rich and poor, are hurting
-Preach the Word in season and out of season
-People don't want to be preached at...i.e. you need to apologize, you need to stop doing this or that...
-Be willing to be interrupted
-Be motivated out of love to speak the truth
Is this OK?
What's God doing in your life?
What's your personal history with faith, religion, God?
What do you think or believe about God?
What's your perception of Christians and church?
How has this effected your faith?
Has there ever been a time when you were/felt close to God?
What would you need to increase your interest in growing your faith again?
What do you think is the purpose of the 10 Commandments?
Find your niche ministry to use your gifts. Try to answer the question "There's no place I'd rather be but ..."
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