So I was working on something at work, and I uploaded some files to the live company web page to apply the changes made; though the changes worked in the test environment, the live page was failing. No problem, I thought, I will restore the backup of the files that I just copied over. The backups failed also! I was getting nervous...this was the live site for the company. I was about to then bite into an apple sitting on the desk I work at...usually what I do when I get nervous. Instead, the Spirit guided me to turn to God, and praise Him! I did...and another re-upload of the modified files resolved the issue. Pheww :) Praise God!
What I learned from this is to go to God in your valleys, AND on your mountains! Go to Him when mourning, go to Him when celebrating! Go to Him instead of turning to the world stuff around us, that helps us forget our problems. Awesome!