Are you teachable? Prov 12:1 Prov 9:11-12 "Character of unteachable people" -Chronic failure John 16:3 -Argumentative and defensive nature Prov 9:8, 25:24, 27:15 (spirit of negativity, defensiveness, unforgiving, stonewalling) -Isolation and withdrawal in times of difficulty Prov 18:1 -Blame transfer. You can't blame your response on someone else. "My response is my responsibility" -Surrounding yourself w people who agree with you. "Root causes of unteachable spirit" -Pride Prov 16:18. -Rebellion and independence -Insecurity -Foolishness Prov 22:15 -Laziness Prov 26:16 "Character of teachable spirit" -Humility -Graciously accepting correction Prov 9:8 -Seek counsel in times of decision -Get advice from someone successful -Submitting to authority and staying accountable
Experiences, reflections, and revelations.