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Showing posts from March, 2014

Men's breakfast 3/15/14

Men's breakfast 3/15/14 How can you really know what you believe? There's many speakers out there, some with differing interpretations. You have to know! Its important to know what you believe about Gods will for you. To know about healing. To know about priorities. To know about Truth. There are not 10 ways unto salvation... there is only one Way. Rom 3:4 Rom 4:3 2 Tim 2:15 Jesus is the most significant person ever born. Luke 9:34 Eph 4:21-23 How do you know your mind is renewed? When the previously impossible begins to look logical. Jesus did what He saw the Father do. 2 Cor 2:14 Prov 3:5 Heb 1:1-3 2 Cor 5:18-19 The day of grace we are sitting in. John 12:24-32 Isa 54:9-10 Rom 6:20 - if you're struggling with sin. Prov 24:16 Shared from Google Keep
My wife and I have been and often tell Aliza that she shouldn't take off her seat belt while we are driving because mommy or daddy can go to jail. Today, she didn't get some things at the store that she wanted and threw a fit, screaming and misbehaving. She took off her seat belt when we were on the road and said "you two are going to jail!" Haha.

Launch pad sermon

Launch pad Married to mission of church Love vision Love  core values Like strategy Like ministries The mission is unchanging. Mat 16:13-18 Mat 28:19 Gal 1:8-9 The gospel does not change. Jesus is the cornerstone. Everything we do has to be measured to Jesus, just as every subsequent rock in a building was measured and levelled against the cornerstone. Rev 1:20 The church is the lampstand in this verse. The lamp stand required specific oil for fueling it. In this same manner, the church requires a specific "fuel" to work; the Holy Spirit. As a lampstand,  we are to illuminate only one: Jesus Christ. Spread the good news of the Kingdom of God. The good news is that anyone can enter freely, to a Kingdom where there is no death, no sparrow, no harm. But love, joy, and eternal life. 2 Cor 5:20 We used to be there, but have separated ourselves. We can return and be reconciled, and be in the Kingdom of God. An expanding kingdom has authentic supp...

Evangelism small group

Evangelism small group -Prayer walk around your neighbourhood, store, school -Prayer list -Be approachable...welcoming...dress to represent. Your life is a billboard, you always project something. -Realize that people everywhere, rich and poor, are hurting -MAXIMIZE EVERY WORD OF ENCOUNTER -Preach the Word in season and out of season -People don't want to be preached at...i.e. you need to apologize, you need to stop doing this or that... -Be willing to be interrupted -Be motivated out of love to speak the truth Q's Is this OK? What's God doing in your life? What's your personal history with faith, religion, God? What do you think or believe about God? What's your perception of Christians and church? How has this effected your faith? Has there ever been a time when you were/felt close to God? What would you need to increase your interest in growing your faith again? What do you think is the purpose of the 10 Commandments? Find ...