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Showing posts from 2013

Awesome word

Ecclesiastes 7:8 Better is the end of a thing than its beginning, and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit. I t's not how you start, but how you finish. You're never too old to serve the Lord!

Sermon notes from Citw

Joy to the world the Lord has come Based on psalm 98 God’s promises are truly,  unlike men's promises. His second coming is at hand. 2 Peter 3:9-11 He's waiting for us to speed the Gospel. We are stewards of the mysteries. Have you been faithful in that stewardship? Live a life of evangelism. Share the Gospel. Christmas is a good time to also celebrate Christ's second coming. The celebration has been twisted by Satan to become commercialized and a frantic,  stressful time. The Lord's second coming should not be a fearful awaiting... Stashing food and weapons... But you should love His appearing. Rev 21:4-5 1 Cor 15:58 Rev 20:9 Always examine your life in light of his return. Acts 1:11 Live with intensity. Are you going to live knowing that Jesus could come back this year? Will you live this new year like you lived this past year? If so, you're likely to get the same result. The saved are born twice and die once and are raised in the first resurrection...

Notes from church sermon

Hurry saps joy out of life. You dont enjoy life. Therefore, get down on knees and pray as a family "Lord, teach us to number our days" "Lord, relent, please have mercy on us" It is about changing our attitude, not counting our days. Making wise use of the time we have. We are like new grass in the morning but withered grass in the evening. Ps 90 God is angry at sin and sinners. Wise families would do the math.    In vain you rise up early and stay up late...Get rest. Enjoy sleeping. He gives sleep to those whom He loves.    Enjoy eating. Good food. Don't hurry. Discover the one thing that really matters...Love God and your neighboor as yourself....because nothing in this life that you do will matter, unless you love God. Whatever you do, do for the glory of God. Run everything through this "pipe". We were made to magnify God. Are you teaching your children to feed on the Word of God? How do you spend your time and money? Teach your kids the ...

Resist the devil

It is written in the Bible that is you resist the devil, he will flee from you. How can you resist the devil? Know scripture, and quote scripture as Jesus did in the wilderness. Also, when the devil tempts you with evil ideas, quickly realize this and whatever he was tempting you with, pray for deliverance and restoration of those who are struggling with that. For example, when you are being tempted with ideas about your alcoholic friend, pray for his restoration physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally, and that this would glorify the Lord. And, praise God.