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Showing posts from December, 2009

Vision 2010

Jessica and I spent some time together today to pray about and talk about Vision 2010. In this vision, we shared our goals for this new year, and how we will go about accomplishing them. For example, I set a goal to devote more and more time to God, and I will accomplish this by spending time with God at breakfast and before bed. Another goal I have is to have a regular exercise regimen that I would stick to. I will accomplish this by doing cardio or strength training 3 times a week; not too much, not too little. I encourage you to set goals for this year. Goals that will grow you as a servant of God and a husband or wife or son or daughter. You can limit the list of goals, as I have done, to ten. Then ask God for strength and perseverence to accomplish those goals. May God bless you, Krzysztof Miszczak

'Those who cling to worthless idols...'

'Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs.' Jonah 2:8 Idols are mp3 players, people, games, tv, phones, books, sports, and anything else that is put before God. Whether you need to relax or just want to spend your 'free time', and you go to these things first, you might be idolizing these things.

Spending time with God

Spending time with God Take walks with God - see how God reveals Himself. Tea time with God - time with God in the middle of the day, in conversation, or quiet. Just like having a conversation with a friend. Look around you, slow down, and see all God's blessings. May God bless you, Krzysztof Miszczak

Time flees...

...and it flees fast. The time between my posts here is too long. I should be doing this every week, and I get too busy. I'm sorry. Exciting news: Jessica, my wife, will soon give birth to our child. It's amazing to see how life "becomes". This testifies so clearly of God's wonder and mystery. I am in awe of Him and I marvel at His ways.