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Showing posts from March, 2009
I was talking to Jacob at church, a young man I met just today, and he said that he used to go to Church in the Word for 4 years, 3 years ago. So for the past 3 years, the Lord sent him to International House Of Prayer (IHOP) in Kansas City. Talking to Jacob and hearing about the awesome work that the Lord is doing brought swelling joy to my heart. Praise the Lord!!! There are many people, from many different nations and of different origin coming to IHOP. From Middle East to Europe, from Asia to North America, many come to worship our God, and it is awesomely exciting! I really want to visit that place one day.

Small, yet big revelations

The usual task I do when I complete a task at work is to notify the people who would be affected by the change, even though they may be sitting in an adjacent cubicle. So this morning, as I was typing an email for a completed task, I felt the Holy Spirit telling me not to write the email. I didn’t understand why…it’s the usual thing I did. I was hesitant to obey, and then I listened to the nudge of the Spirit, even though I still didn’t know why. I closed the email…the save dialog showed up…I quickly used the keyboard shortcut to say “No”. Ahhh. Relief. Ok…now…wow! I then received a revelation…just talk to the people! Tell them the task is done…don’t write to them about it. Haha! That’s so simple, yet it was so difficult for me to see!   I then thought that situations like this are opportunities to strike up more conversation!   Praise God for His patience in continually working on u...