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Showing posts from January, 2015

Bella and her amazingness

Sweet 2 year young Bella picked up the broom and pan and swept up something in the living room. She came to the kitchen and said "Mama move" as she wanted to empty the seemingly empty pan into the trash. She then preceded to put back the broom and pan into their proper place.

Sermon notes

In uncertain times things get shaky Wrong becomes right and right becomes wrong. Peter says to look forward at the fact that Jesus is returning and will make things right Peter says to gird up your loins / roll up your sleeves and get to work Learn to say NO to unedifying If you start living in the river of this world, you WILL have a deadened heart and you will become apathetic to the things of God We will be in front of God and will give an account for our lives Flee from sin... DON'T put yourself in a place or situation where you will be tempted more. Like Joseph fled from the potifers wife when she seduced him If you don't have an appetite for reading the Word write down a word or verse from the Word and look at it through out your day.
Aliza joked recently, saying "I don't want to leave here" Referring to our future move "I guess I'll just have to live with Babcia and won't see you guys as much"