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Showing posts from March, 2008

God is Perfect

My wife and I had a misunderstanding today, and we went to separate rooms. I spent some time talking with the Lord, and He put it on my heart to go to where Jessica was, and to touch her and hug her. When I did that, we began to talk about the situation. Later in the night, Jessica said that she needed the touch and hug when it happened. It's amazing to see God working in us, and when we obey Him, it is a joy! It strengthens faith and trust. In His love.
God is amazing! He speaks to us, often by a whisper, and when we obey Him, we see His works unfolding; it's awesome, amazing, and great joy to experience!!! Yesterday night, our friends prayed over Jessica for a healing of an infection, and she was healed! Experiencing God's Love and Mercy is an awesome blessing! I love you!

Trip to Chicago

Today was wonder filled, as all days are :) Jessica and I took the train to Chicago, and visited the Institute of Art; a lot of interesting history. It was also amazing to have the opportunity to share love with a hungry man. God's blessings abound, and we are honored to take part in it! Wohoooo! Go in peace and serve the Lord!