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Showing posts from August, 2017

Successful people do consistently what normal people do occasionally

Successful people do consistently what normal people do occasionally Heb 5:8-9 Luke 2:52. Jesus grew Knowledge helps you make a living. Wisdom helps you make a life. Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is to knowing that you don't put a tomato in fruit salad. What is better than memorizing scripture? Doing scripture. Wisdom is ... The ability to get things done Knowing what to do next Getting God's opinion Three access points to wisdom Prayer - ask for wisdom James 1:5 People - Prov 13:20 Pain - Ecc 1:18


2 Cor 12:7-9 1 Pet 4:10 1 Sam +Grace in salvation God gave you the ability to be saved, through faith. +Grace to overcome We often pray to have an obstacle removed. In this verse we are told that the obstacle might not be removed, but you will have the ability and power to go through the obstacle. +Grace to carry on