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Showing posts from February, 2008
Amazing! We came to church today, and Jessica was feeling down. During the sermon, which was about faith, a statement was said by the pastor about not dwelling on the past, nor "what if's". In this statement, God had put on the pastor's heart to say a series of "if we had only..." statements, and one of them was "Do not say, 'if we had only stayed in Texas, things would be different'..." As the pastor said this, Jessica and I looked at each other, as we could relate :) Allow Peace and Love to dwell in you!

Flight status

On new years eve 2007, my wife Jessica was to fly from Virginia to Illinois. As I remember, many flights were getting cancelled because of weather, and my wife was still able to fly home, thanks be to God. A month later, January 31 2008, Jessica was to fly from Illinois to Virginia, with the flight scheduled at 4:20pm departure. This day, around 500 flights were cancelled because of weather. Her flight was first delayed, and getting home from dropping her off at the airport, I prayed that God would allow her to fly out today, and He put it on my heart that she would. I believed, and was excited! Jessica called the house at 8:20pm, saying she has boarded the plane. Praises be to God Almighty! In all things, let us give God praise and glory! He is worthy! Amazing He is!